Pediatric Clerkship
Welcome to the Pediatric Clerkship! The six-week clerkship consists of various clinical experiences including inpatient team rotation at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR) and Chippenham Medical Center, outpatient rotation with CHoR pediatricians and community pediatricians, newborn nursery, and inpatient electives. We also offer weekly didactic sessions as well as simulation sessions and child development workshops.
Clerkship Director: Clifton Lee, M.D., FAAP, SFHM
Pediatric Clerkship
- Engage in interprofessional collaboration in the care of pediatric patients.
- Demonstrate collegiality, professionalism, effective communication, and respect toward patients, their families, and all members of the interprofessional healthcare team.
- Apply evidence-based medicine to optimize patient care.
- Perform an age-appropriate history and physical examination in children of all ages relevant to the nature of the visit or complaint.
- Identify and describe normal and abnormal growth patterns based on a child’s current and previous growth measurements and provide nutrition recommendations.
- Assess a child's development and behaviors including gross motor, fine motor, language, personal-social, and problem-solving skills.
- Write and discuss orders and prescriptions for pediatric patients, including consideration of weight-based dosing.
- Formulate a differential diagnosis and therapeutic plan for common pediatric conditions, including fluid and electrolyte management.
- Apply age-appropriate screening and preventative health measures, including immunizations, to promote patient health and wellness.
- Describe the negative effects of micro-aggression and the importance of how social determinants of health can affect patient care.
- Describe acute and chronic pediatric conditions including underlying pathophysiology.
Please also review the institutional learning objectives.
Pediatric Clerkship
Pediatric Clerkship Director
Clifton Lee, M.D., FAAP, SFHM
Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Phone: (804) 828-1809
Pediatric Clerkship Associate Director
Kyle Trowbridge, M.D., FAAP
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Division of General Pediatrics
Phone: (804) 828-1809
Pediatric Clerkship Administrator
Risham Qureshi
VCUHS Department of OB/GYN
Office: Children’s Pavilion, 1-203, #4